poniedziałek, 7 listopada 2016

Japanese green tea jelly (real name needed! XD)

 A typical sweet from Japan - the taste is sweet and not very strong. Not every European likes this kind of food. I do, even though I needed some time to get used to it. :)
The box looks very elegant, and I would normally think there are some truffles inside - if it wasn't japanese of course.
 Many of the sweets I tried in Japan were similar to this, so I wasn't too surprised. The jellies were so soft, I had to wait until someone else tastes them first anyways. They were really strange XD
The green balls could be easily mistaken with some fluffy things if you had your eyes closed, and were only touching them. They are covered with green tea powder (not sweet. Just the tea taste)
 The candies are white inside. It's some kind of rice-jelly I think. The taste is sweet. Just sweet. No aromas, nor special tastes. It's a light dessert. Nothing like all the caramel/chocolate/vanilla stuff we are used to. If you'll like it, you'd probably like most of the japanese sweets too :)

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