niedziela, 18 lutego 2018

Mackintosh's Quality Street

I like the package! The picture is nice and you can check what's inside (on the back).

The popular types. You've got nougat, toffee (it's not really soft) and some others. It's a good choice. I got this from Afrika (Uganda or Kenya), so I was surprised the tastes are so simmilar to the european ones.

The milk chocolate is really tasty! The candies melt in your mouth. I want more! :D

sobota, 25 lutego 2017

Zora - Sójové řezy

I got it from Czech Republic. They havcandy was was e lots of tasty sweets - chocolate, Lentilky, toffee etc.
But this candy bar was tottally not my type. It was something between marzipan and halva when I bit it, but it tasted completely different.

The bar was very, very sweet, with a hint of something close to piña colada.
I see there are pretty much of the bars in the internet shops, so they may be popular, but I'm not into them. 100% sure.

piątek, 9 grudnia 2016


 The box looks nice, but it's a bit too much for this cane XD
 The cane is tasty, but all the box makes it look really poor.
 If it was just a candy cane wrapped in some simple foil, or so, it would be perfect, because the quality is good, but the good taste just disappears behind the decorations. x.x
 As you can guess it's strawberry tasted. The outer part is made of lollipop, and the hing inside is something simmilar, but a bit more like caramel - you can bite it if your teeth are strong enough not to break.
If you like Star Wars, you can buy the cane just for the box, but I advise you not to buy it for someone as a gift. XD

poniedziałek, 7 listopada 2016

Japanese green tea jelly (real name needed! XD)

 A typical sweet from Japan - the taste is sweet and not very strong. Not every European likes this kind of food. I do, even though I needed some time to get used to it. :)
The box looks very elegant, and I would normally think there are some truffles inside - if it wasn't japanese of course.
 Many of the sweets I tried in Japan were similar to this, so I wasn't too surprised. The jellies were so soft, I had to wait until someone else tastes them first anyways. They were really strange XD
The green balls could be easily mistaken with some fluffy things if you had your eyes closed, and were only touching them. They are covered with green tea powder (not sweet. Just the tea taste)
 The candies are white inside. It's some kind of rice-jelly I think. The taste is sweet. Just sweet. No aromas, nor special tastes. It's a light dessert. Nothing like all the caramel/chocolate/vanilla stuff we are used to. If you'll like it, you'd probably like most of the japanese sweets too :)

wtorek, 1 listopada 2016


I like cookies with creamy filling :)
Most of them have chocolate or vanilla inside, so it's good to taste something a bit diffent.

These cookies are very tasty. Not as crunchy as I supposed though.
I think they are made of some kind of sponge cake, but it's quite hard for this type.

The filling is not liquid, but quite soft, and full of taste (more chocolate than nuts for me) even though there's not much of the cream inside the cookies.

It's a typical "cheap&tasty" thing. You probably won't say that they are awesome. They can even taste as they aren't 100% fresh, because of the cake type, but they are tasty, and there is nothing to complain about :)
Good idea for parties (not the gourmet type ones ;) )

niedziela, 23 października 2016

Schogetten - Trilogia

This chocolate (or mayba pralines, pretending to be a chocolate) is awesome!
As you  can see, it has light, and dark (milky) side. It tastes like belgian chocolate, and every piece is a bit creamy and soft inside. It melt in your mouth very fast, and it's very, very sweet.

It also has some crumbs inside, but they are so small, it's impossible to say what are they made of, or even to see them XD

The chocolate looks nice, and therefore can be ued as a little gift. The price isn't high (in Poland), so it gives Schogetten 11/10 points! :D

sobota, 1 października 2016

BALDUNO ARTSTORE - chocolate frog lollipop

I've seen some of their other products (belgian chocolate bars, and the versions, that you could melt in milk, to make a hot chocolate) and they all looked really tasty. I'm gonna buy them in future :)

This lollipop is also made of chocolate. I was rather sceptic, because this kind of sweets are usually made to look good only, so the taste can be really awful sometimes. But it wasn't. :)
It was awesome - sweet, and melting in my mouth really fast. I loved it!